
Showing posts from May, 2020


Hey! How are you during this long term quarantine? I hope you're doing fine and healthy. This quarantine makes me feel like I've been trapped in a tall tower for a dozen years. Doesn't it sound like an allusion? But what is an allusion? So currently, I have learned a new subject in the English subject. It is 'allusion'. According to the zoom meeting last Tuesday, an allusion is a brief reference to a person, thing, place, idea, or a cultural, historical, literary, or political significance. The allusion I said before was a reference from a German fairy tale, 'Rapunzel'. An allusion is intended to make an indirect connection between two contexts. It is also used to simplify some complex ideas or emotions of the writer. There are four types of allusion. There are mythology, religion, literature, and pop culture. We were assigned to find an allusion in a song and describe it in a paragraph or two. I decided to pick it from one of my favorite songs. The s

My life

On May 5, 2004, a day after my brother 2 nd   birthday, I took my first breath in Bandung, West Java. Since my big brother born, my family lived in Riung Bandung for two and a half years. Then we move to Cibangkong street and live there till now. In 2008, my sister was born and it gave much happiness to our family. I was an active child. I always had some much fun time to play with my siblings, cousins, and friends. I always had a big interest in art since I was a child., I always loved to see something that attracts my eyes. Like some interesting characters, movies, cartoons, comic books, posters and else. So, I have something in my mind that tells me that   I can make all of that too with my own hand. And it's so satisfying to see my own artwork. When I entered kindergarten , I was being a quiet and shy child. I only played with one or two kids, or sometimes I liked being alone. I didn’t like so many crowds and couldn’t adapt well to the environment. But when I entered prim