Hallo! Wie gehts? Welcome to the English and German collaboration page! So Frau Aulia has assigned us to watch a German movie. The title of the movie is ' Nicos Weg' or 'Nico's path'. It's created by Deutsch Lernen mit der DW. The movie is intended for the A1 Deutsch learners. If you don't know what A1 is, it's the lowest level of German language mastery, or we can say that it has the simplest and basic German grammar and vocabulary. Like other movies, the duration is about one and a half-hour. I'm not sure what genre the movie has. But I think it's a mash of drama, slice of life, and comedy Let's dig into the movie! So there is a guy named Nico (I forgot his last name). He flighted from Spanish to Germany to meet his aunt, Yara. But something came up when he was at the airport. Because he got distracted by a little girl, he lost his bag. The bag contained lots of important things such as his handphone, wallet, passport, clothes, and Yara...
One day, Klaus and Ben just come out from a small bakery in the town. The bakery sells so many kinds of delicious bread, but at low prices, that's why they intended to buy a lot of them. Klaus: "Oh my god, I really adore that bakery. These bread are so good, we should come here another time." Ben: " I know right? so bad they didn't have a strategic location. If they did, their bakery would be the ultimate unbeaten bakery of the whole town." Klaus: " Yeah right... *munching*. Hey Ben, you know what? I have an idea." Ben: "What? please don't tell me another crazy idea like last time... I got tired of clearing up the mess you did." Klaus: "Aw, don't be like that to your precious innovative brother. I don't think this contains any craziness like you think , but how about we make a cafe ?" Ben: "Suddenly? Why?" Klaus: "To make money, of course, and a cafe sounds classy for a hangout place in this sm...
Our English teacher asked us to make a conversation that including suggestion and offer from the topics that she gave. I decided to choose the 'Independence day' topic, so here we go! Independence Day Lily: "Hey Josh, what event is upcoming?" Josh: "I think it's Independence day. Oh yeah, I forgot to ask you yesterday, would you like to join the committee?" Lily: "Sure, I'd like to." Josh: "Awesome! What kind of games do you think would be great? Do you have any suggestions?" Lily: "I think we should do the iconic games of the event, like eating crackers competition, sack race, and climbing a slippery pole. It would be fun" Josh: "Good ideas. How about catching the ducks competition? I think it would be funny and unique." Lily: "We'd better not. It would be such a mess, plus we don't have enough ducks to do that." Josh: "What about the winners? The village chi...
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