
Showing posts from 2020

Recomendation Letter

Recommendation Letter  October 26, 2020 Luna Aulia Kirana Art Teacher 3 Highschool Bandung Belitung street no 8 Bandung, 40113 Dear Sir or Madam, It's my absolute pleasure to recommend one of my students, Prameswara Cahaya Rahman, for your annual scholarship program of the Faculty of Art and Design in Technology Insitute of Bandung (ITB), at Interior Designing. She has shown her amazing artworks for the past 3 years in the course of being my student. Prameswara is one of the most creative and brilliant students for creating artworks. She was also a member of our art club, which has the important role of taking care of the school event decorations.  Therefore, we can see her excellent skill in designing and composing.  Prameswara has outstanding spatial awareness which is needed in Interior Designing. Her competent in making beautiful and useful spaces was never disappointing. The design that she made is always particularly creative. We were pleasingly amused by her works and so our

Die Deutsche Kultur - Nico's Weg

 Hallo! Wie gehts? Welcome to the English and German collaboration page! So Frau Aulia has assigned us to watch a German movie. The title of the movie is ' Nicos Weg' or 'Nico's path'. It's created by Deutsch Lernen mit der DW. The movie is intended for the A1 Deutsch learners. If you don't know what A1 is, it's the lowest level of German language mastery, or we can say that it has the simplest and basic German grammar and vocabulary. Like other movies, the duration is about one and a half-hour. I'm not sure what genre the movie has. But I think it's a mash of drama, slice of life, and comedy Let's dig into the movie! So there is a guy named Nico (I forgot his last name). He flighted from Spanish to Germany to meet his aunt, Yara. But something came up when he was at the airport. Because he got distracted by a little girl, he lost his bag. The bag contained lots of important things such as his handphone, wallet, passport, clothes, and Yara

May I tell you about my self?

 Hey people! we meet again here, on the page where I describe everything about myself. If we scroll through 2019, I've already written something like this. But time changes and also people, I already different from my 2019 self. So let me introduce you again here.  My name is Luna Aulia Kirana, you just can call me Luna. I am 16 years old and currently studying in SMAN 3 Bandung. Now, I'm in 11 grade where everything about academics is so frustrating ( a little of confiding here).   I have a lot of favorite subjects. But what I really like the most is art. I also like Germany, since I believe it's fun to master. For the science subject, I am more likely into physic than math right now. I know I'm not really good at it but it's so satisfying when I solve the problem all by myself. Though it's so confusing, I like to put my logical thinking into that systematic subject. I think me and physic is a kind of like a love-hate relationship. And lastly, I really like bio

˗ˏˋAsking and Giving Opinion ˎˊ˗

 One day, Klaus and Ben just come out from a small bakery in the town. The bakery sells so many kinds of delicious bread, but at low prices, that's why they intended to buy a lot of them. Klaus: "Oh my god, I really adore that bakery. These bread are so good, we should come here another time." Ben: " I know right? so bad they didn't have a strategic location. If they did, their bakery would be the ultimate unbeaten bakery of the whole town." Klaus: " Yeah right... *munching*. Hey Ben, you know what? I have an idea." Ben: "What? please don't tell me another crazy idea like last time... I got tired of clearing up the mess you did." Klaus: "Aw, don't be like that to your precious innovative brother. I don't think this contains any craziness like you think , but how about we make a cafe ?" Ben: "Suddenly? Why?"  Klaus: "To make money, of course, and a cafe sounds classy for a hangout place in this sm

『 Suggestion and Offer』

Our English teacher asked us to make a conversation that including suggestion and offer from the topics that she gave. I decided to choose the 'Independence day' topic, so here we go!  Independence Day  Lily: "Hey Josh, what event is upcoming?" Josh: "I think it's Independence day. Oh yeah, I forgot to ask you yesterday, would you like to join the committee?" Lily: "Sure, I'd like to." Josh: "Awesome! What kind of games do you think would be great? Do you have any suggestions?" Lily: "I think we should do the iconic games of the event, like eating crackers competition, sack race, and climbing a slippery pole. It would be fun" Josh: "Good ideas. How about catching the ducks competition? I think it would be funny and unique." Lily: "We'd better not. It would be such a mess, plus we don't have enough ducks to do that." Josh: "What about the winners? The village chi


Hey! How are you during this long term quarantine? I hope you're doing fine and healthy. This quarantine makes me feel like I've been trapped in a tall tower for a dozen years. Doesn't it sound like an allusion? But what is an allusion? So currently, I have learned a new subject in the English subject. It is 'allusion'. According to the zoom meeting last Tuesday, an allusion is a brief reference to a person, thing, place, idea, or a cultural, historical, literary, or political significance. The allusion I said before was a reference from a German fairy tale, 'Rapunzel'. An allusion is intended to make an indirect connection between two contexts. It is also used to simplify some complex ideas or emotions of the writer. There are four types of allusion. There are mythology, religion, literature, and pop culture. We were assigned to find an allusion in a song and describe it in a paragraph or two. I decided to pick it from one of my favorite songs. The s

My life

On May 5, 2004, a day after my brother 2 nd   birthday, I took my first breath in Bandung, West Java. Since my big brother born, my family lived in Riung Bandung for two and a half years. Then we move to Cibangkong street and live there till now. In 2008, my sister was born and it gave much happiness to our family. I was an active child. I always had some much fun time to play with my siblings, cousins, and friends. I always had a big interest in art since I was a child., I always loved to see something that attracts my eyes. Like some interesting characters, movies, cartoons, comic books, posters and else. So, I have something in my mind that tells me that   I can make all of that too with my own hand. And it's so satisfying to see my own artwork. When I entered kindergarten , I was being a quiet and shy child. I only played with one or two kids, or sometimes I liked being alone. I didn’t like so many crowds and couldn’t adapt well to the environment. But when I entered prim

Corona Virus

Recently a virus named Coronavirus is becoming hot news in world health. So we decided to make a pamphlet about it.

Edupassion Vlog

Here is our vlog when  we had edupassion a few days ago click >>>

Storytelling ༉‧₊˚✧

Hansel and Gretel Once upon a time, there were two children, they are brother and sister. The little boy named Hansel and the girl named Gretel. They lived with their father and stepmother. Their father worked as a woodcutter. So, the family, unfortunately, lived in the poor. The times were hard and they had a tough life. One night,  the couple had a serious conversation. "They eat far too much. If they keep doing this, we will die in starvation. We must get rid of them", said the stepmother. "I don't abandon my lovely children, they're too much precious for me", said their father. "So you want all four of us to die? Let's bring them to the wood and give them bread to eat. As the day starting to dark, we'll leave them in the middle of the wood so they won't ever come back", said the stepmother. But their father keeps declining it until she won't stop talking about that. So their father couldn't say anything except

My Holiday

 MY HOLIDAY Honestly, on the first week of my holiday, I didn't go anywhere rather than home. It's because my family was kind of busy that week. My mother had a lot of essays that must be done and my brother was going to train the juniors of his extracurricular in the wood. So because of that, I and my sister spent all day long every single day at home watching television. On Saturday, I and my family except my brother decided to have lunch outside. At first, we had lunch at Fukuzushi. We ate some delicious sushi there. Next, after visit some stores around there, we went to a patisserie named Brussels Spring. We had a lot of fantastic deserts there. Start with croissant, ice cream waffles, nachos, and many cakes. We really enjoyed those tasty desert. On new year Eve, because there were many midnight sales everywhere, we decided to went shopping in Paris van Java. Because the mall is starting to close at 10 pm, not every one of the family had bought the things they